October 10, 2011December 27, 2022Random musings Quality is alive I’ve talked to a lot of unhappy testers – smart, talented testers who always feel like they are working at odds with […]
October 7, 2011December 27, 2022Random musings The death of quality “Quality is dead,” declared Goranka Bjedov. And I thought to myself, I knew it. For some time now I’ve been concerned about […]
August 21, 2011December 27, 2022Random musings XML conundrum (A conversation snippet from the hogfish.net archives, circa 2007) Trish says: aw man Trish says: /me tries to remember what the file […]
August 21, 2011December 27, 2022Random musings, Tools Thoughts on using mind maps I’ve heard that people can identify with either visual, auditory or tactile methods of learning, or some combination of the three. This […]
January 2, 2011December 27, 2022News, Random musings My very long year 2010 was a pretty big year for me as a tester. Actually, I’m not going to be shy about this – it […]
September 7, 2010December 27, 2022Random musings The catalyst Someone asked me a question the other day that stumped me. They asked “What do you enjoy most about testing?” It struck […]
August 2, 2010December 27, 2022Random musings Break stuff Why do testers say that they like to “break” software? First of all, good testers should know that they don’t “break” software […]
July 25, 2010December 27, 2022Random musings Why writing blog posts can be as difficult as shipping software First you have the inspiration phase – you’ve got this great idea, so many thoughts on the topic and you can’t wait […]
July 24, 2010December 27, 2022Random musings Rockstar testing I often hear about “rockstar developers”, but I never hear about rockstar testers. Which makes me think we could do with a […]
July 10, 2010December 27, 2022Random musings Considering job title change to “Technical Voorlooper” Lately I’ve been using a little ruby script (made by fellow Campaign Monitor tester James Martin) to generate random strings of words […]