January 19, 2011December 27, 2022Automation Attaching Gallio test reports to TeamCity using MSBuild This is just one of those things that took a while to figure out, and there wasn’t much information about it on […]
January 2, 2011December 27, 2022News, Random musings My very long year 2010 was a pretty big year for me as a tester. Actually, I’m not going to be shy about this – it […]
January 2, 2011December 27, 2022News, Test Management Low-tech dashboards Happy new year all! The latest issue of The Testing Planet features an article written by myself and Campaign Monitor colleague James […]
December 7, 2010December 27, 2022Automation, Manual testing, Tools Go faster! Linking data generation to hotkeys Sometimes testing is like pouring a bucket of confetti on a snow leopard. Have you ever tried pouring a bucket of confetti […]
November 23, 2010December 27, 2022Automation, Test cases, Tools Automating in Gherkin syntax with Specflow I’m quite a fan of Gherkin’s Given-When-Then syntax for test cases, so I was pleased to discover Specflow. Specflow is a .NET […]
October 19, 2010December 27, 2022News Sydney Tester Meetup: Tuesday 9 November 2010 UPDATE: Due to a conflict with The Race That Stops A Nation, this has been moved to Tuesday 9 November. We all […]
October 18, 2010December 27, 2022Automation, Manual testing, Test cases, Test Management, Tools Make your tests agile too: wiki This is a story about my experience in using a wiki to manage test cases. Over the past few years, I have […]
September 8, 2010December 27, 2022Rants Silos What is wrong with combining roles? Business Analyst / Tester? Tester / Developer? Designer / Front-end developer? Project manager / Product manager? […]
September 7, 2010December 27, 2022News Sydney tester meetup – Tuesday 21st September 2010 6.30pm Marlena, James and I have been meeting up about once a week to drink beer and talk testing. It’s way fun, and […]
September 7, 2010December 27, 2022Random musings The catalyst Someone asked me a question the other day that stumped me. They asked “What do you enjoy most about testing?” It struck […]