February 6, 2015December 27, 2022Community, News, Rants, Test approach Interview by Fog Creek Software blog I was recently interviewed by Fog Creek Software’s blog about embedded testers in development teams. Check it out here to listen to me […]
October 22, 2013December 27, 2022Rants Why I’m not going to tell you what I’m building When I worked at Campaign Monitor, we used a Campfire (a chatroom system) for team discussion. The designers had a “design room” […]
September 8, 2010December 27, 2022Rants Silos What is wrong with combining roles? Business Analyst / Tester? Tester / Developer? Designer / Front-end developer? Project manager / Product manager? […]
February 19, 2010December 27, 2022Office survival, Rants Positive reinforcement “That’s one of the reasons we have testers. A great tester gives programmers immediate feedback on what they did right and what […]
December 2, 2009December 27, 2022Rants Computer Science degrees and relevance to the real world I was reading this article and it reminded me of when I first entered the workforce and wondered just how relevant my […]
August 28, 2009December 27, 2022Manual testing, Rants, Test cases “Just test everything” I get a little irritated when I get asked to “just test everything” and developers don’t understand why. So here’s why. Let’s […]
August 20, 2009December 27, 2022Rants, Tools Works on your machine? Why you….!! Next time some developer is giving you attitude, try introducing him to Phyllis at http://www.buildsonmymachine.com And don’t forget Phyllis’s friends Gladys at […]
January 29, 2009December 27, 2022Office survival, Rants Open plan offices As far as I can tell, here are the top 3 reasons for having open plan offices: 1. Cheap. 2. Increases team […]